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windows-phone-7 – 如何删除IE移动浏览器的点击呼叫链接

发布时间:2020-08-03 18:45:45 所属栏目:Windows 来源:互联网
导读:你好 我可以删除 Iphone和iPad中标签/号码的点击通话链接.黑莓通过在标题部分保留上述标签. meta name=format-detection content=telephone=no //for Safarimeta http-equiv=x-rim-auto-match content=none //for Blackberry 像这样我们有Interne

我可以删除 Iphone和iPad中标签/号码的点击通话链接.黑莓通过在标题部分保留上述标签.

<meta name="format-detection" content="telephone=no"> //for Safari
<meta http-equiv="x-rim-auto-match" content="none"> //for Blackberry

像这样我们有Internet Explorer(Windows Mobile Browser)的任何属性吗?

似乎当前版本的操作系统中没有此功能,IE将自动解析数字,地址和电子邮件.根据 public doc:

Internet Explorer Mobile automatically recognizes phone numbers,email addresses,and physical addresses on webpages,regardless of whether they were designed as hyperlinks or not—so users can make a phone call,send an email,or map an address with just a tap or two.


